Yaga Bialski PhD Psychotherapy since 1979
Psychologist by education, psychotherapist by practice. In my many years of work as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist I followed, applied, and modified known psychotherapy methods, like Gestalt, humanistic, bioenergy, transactional analysis, to name a few.
Although some parts in each school of therapy made to my toolbox, still the limits of a method, a script to follow in sessions was unacceptable to me. For a bright client an agenda of the therapist because she has to follow a plan, a script is an instant turn off.
The inspiration for client’s permanent change and strengtht to do it, comes only from a connection between two authentic identities, with the therapist being more clear in mind, stronger in light, and aware why the connection is essential.
From Psychology to Psychotherapy - Philosophy - Wisdom...
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&You are not in charge of your mind if you can not change it when faced with facts.
Playa Panama, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
&Personal freedom begins when you learn how to delete the collective ego voice, that is using you as an open-to-paste hard drive for directing you to live accordingly to its agenda. & Preparing a script for a psychotherapy session is like packing a suitcase for a diving jump. & Psychotherapy treatment plan, before you see any client, is an ego insult on human evolution.&Clarity of mind requires consistent self-reflection.&The only person you can be tomorrow is better you& Take unaware in moderation. Ego is like liquor, can energize you with a sip and blank your brain if you take too much.& The "life is hard" is a lie. When the things in life get difficult, when you experience road blocks, potholes and detours, it means you got off the main road. &
Knowing that you've got an inner world, is knowing that your life can be hugely independent of the outer world; free to create own experiences.& An ultimate choice to take a permanent residence in the realm of Love, is the choice of every incarnation, not a result of a discipline. &Don’t wait for life to teach you, because she’s slow, takes a whole fecking life to do it!& Chronic Inner Homelessness - when you don’t know your life purpose, you reside in other people’s domains.& If a thing is based on what is good and true, then it is something; but if it is based on what is false and evil, it is not anything at all.& I spend so much time showing colors to the blind, hoping that they will paint their world like Leonid Afremov http://www.afremov.com
& If you want a proof for incarnation, look at how little most people learn in one lifetime.& When you look at the amount of human pain, you would thing that the wisdom is locked in a safe with a secret code of thousand digits.& Majority of the seekers are tourists in the land of Authentic. They visit, talk about it, show photos and go back to living in their land of ego. &
Ego always wants to have a last word and the first dance! &
The design of a creative life path often makes sense only when you look back. If you need to know what’s ahead you will always follow others. &
Making a minimum effort won't make your life easy. What makes life easy is to make a maximum effort with ease. &
Learn how to see and live in an abundance - you become the abundance. &Create the future to your liking. Skip material wants. Think about being and doing, not having. Use no one as a crutch or necessity. &Never tell a story the same way twice, unless it's funny! Chose a different form, you might create some new conclusions. &We are individuals because THE ONE MIND, that we are, only in the division can have freedom to choose experiences and create own conclusions. &Wherever I am, I'm home. Home is the path of a seeker. The Universe is my home. &Value your life. Engage in conversations that lead to reflections and point to the essence. &Do not limit yourself by the logic of the ego. It will bring examples from the past to prove its point - that what you want is impossible. &No wonder everybody feels that time runs fast. So many people either chase it or try to kill it. & If you cannot give a life as a reward, you cannot take it away as a punishment.&
To avoid patronizing or being defensive, when asked to give an opinion, look for an opportunity to discover a new understanding.
Smoking pot prevents one from building a huge motivator to create changes - a frustration. Pot lulls the mind to accepting unacceptable. &Understanding the difference between emotions and feeling explains the difference between compassion, and being moved by pain of others. &
To avoid patronizing or being defensive, when asked to give an opinion look for an opportunity to discover a new understanding. &Looking for a job: Look for a mission, not a position.
Value your life. Engage in conversations that lead to reflections and point to the essence.&You will lead a life of shortage if you think that riches are outside of you.
If you want to create a system; an institution, a government, in which a human factor is not going to be a detriment to its purpose, you must first shift your identity from the ego to the authentic you.
Trout Lake, North Bay, Otario Canada
&You live on your own account. Blaming others gives them password to deplete your assets.
Trout Lake, North Bay, Otario Canada
"How to" find happiness leads to seeking pleasure. Happiness has principals. Principals are not recipes. Learn principles. Path will unfold.
If you want to hold on to your free will, do not go after fame and money; there is mostly enslavement and abuse in it.
Because being ruled by the fools is humanity’s present best, you can’t expect to be acknowledged for your wisdom by a popular demand.
Daft people, the ones who run by egos, are not harmless. They just have no harm intentions. Install a "Daftdar" and avoid them.
Cleanse your mind from a pollution of emotional world, body from toxic food-stuff, relationships from untruth, and you will know the taste of life.
Persistent lack of clarity is not taking time for self-reflection
When a conversation is lacking any principal, all it does, it's taking your time and throwing it away in front of your eyes.
That’s why there are so many village idiots! People relay on the village to raise their children!
Each person’s awakening is of a far greater importance to the planet earth, than teaching masses how to decorate their bathrooms.
Freedom consists of knowing and learning how to delete, the voice that uses you as an another hard drive willing to copy its narrow truths.
Only the timeless you can read from the non-local library of wisdom. Ego has no access to what does not exist in its artificial mind. &We do not own anything. Not really.&The ego is blind. It will take down the very life that is hosting it, dummy not knowing that
it dies with it. &When you don’t know that your ego is a System software and an Application software, you are allowing a mindless program to run your life. &
EGO IS A SOFTWARE OF LIFE! It doesn't make life and it doesn't keep it alive. &Ego is not conscious. It will charge at the world, looking for the best position to reassure self-preservation and self-gratification. &All ego programs hold the life in a physical realm to its intention to keep on living, and keep on changing, just don't leave it in charge. &Timeless, authentic you, a being that has an awareness of freedom of choices is an operator of your life. Drive well. &The ego is a limited range of possibilities how this life can express itself. Chose. &Parents cannot offer you what you are worth. Look to the Universe for your offerings and you will be surprised of its generous appraisal. &I created my life that I would never need to take a break from. &A social etiquette is an ego's expression of the mistrust towards non-scripted interactions between creative, authentic beings. &When Authentic wants to express a truth, it has to create a thought, ego can own it and run its own emotional show of righteousness with it. &When you live from the mind of the authentic, you don’t have any needs. Everything is provided for you before your ego will develop a NEED. &Don't ask me for a direction if you already made the decision not to move! &Ego - You scooped a bucket of darkness to turn that shit into a fertilizer for a healthy garden you wanted to grow. Where is your garden? &Know what you are investing your energy in. If you put it in the ego, it will deplete or empty your account. &Why do we accept theories that explain such a minute piece of reality, or give explanations so complicated, that it’s utterly useless?
Creating a static world for “well-controlled” experiments, just to claim progress in science, is nonsense. Whose reality stands still?
Everyone will go through a final summary. Learning in life is not amassing knowledge, but to know what you need to have in your summary. &
Waves of change come and go, as waves do, and a great majority of people live on the land without a view of the ocean. &Not letting ego to stop you from connecting to authentic is an art of living. & Necessity is not a part of creation. &No wonder everybody feels that time runs fast. So many people either chase it or try to kill it.
Trout Lake ,North Bay, Otario Canada
&Do you see the ungrateful recipients? Giving their lives to God. Didn’t they just say that God gave them life? Do they want a refund? & “Let go of fear” is a phrase to sell you fake remedies. Fear is body’s information program. If you keep it in your body it is useful. If you let it to run your mind, it will destroy you.
Ego will resist your creative force that pushes you to work and accomplish. Why? Because more creative you are, less power your ego will have. Show up for your work to create, no matter what ego wants.
&Life is like a blank canvas,
don't treat it like a coloring book.
Trout Lake, North Bay, Otario Canada
To know the difference between the voice of intuition and the voice of fear is a basic skill in guiding others to independence from ego.
If you are looking for your lives’ design, look back. There will be a bunch of dots, waiting to be connected.
To be a leader in human evolution is not an elected position. One can not offer you wisdom by a vote.
It's not the knowing who you are, that carries you through life, but the knowing of your path and the spot you are standing on today.
Love without wisdom is like a river without riverbed.
The darkness in all realms is not a metaphor. It's a force trying its best to corrupt the truth. Stay well in the light and hold on to it tight &
If you have to register your heath care profession in an institution that "lets" you work, you are obviously not suited to for the work that requires trust in you. &
How to multiply your gifts? Give to those people, who not only want what you can offer, but who also give as good as they get.
In order to deliver what you're asking for, Universe waits for you to show your address - get out of the fog and stop running in circles.
To be a human is an experience, not an identity.
The joy resides in the timeless you and is not based on an understanding of yet another piece of a life puzzle. &When you accept that somehow you must know the puzzle of your life, because it is you who painted all the pieces of your experiences, you will wake up. &Yesterday’s self-knowledge holds today’s learnings pointless. &The net made of habits holds your imagination safe from falling into boundless and bottomless creativity. &There is a time when going with a flow can flush you to a sewer. &If money would save you time where would you stash it? &Many people say they saved time, but I never saw their growing account. &Money doesn’t save you time – it can give you an opportunity to spend it differently, but the time runs the same if you have money or not. &To Love another being is to become an Explorer of somebody else's universe.
&I see the darkness. I see those who carry the darkness to remember how much work has to be done and what a clarity I need in order to do it. &I am the light; the darkness in me is the image of the world I am born to, not me. &Always treat your women - partner as if you are visiting her domain, and you will always be her guest of honor. &This ends the discussion - is the ego bad or good? It will be good if you will run it. It will get bad if it will run you. &
OK, now this is really the end the discussion about bad / good ego. If you run it - you live in always. If it runs you - you die every moment. &There is no such a thing that wouldn’t exist in the mind of the authentic you. You are the all-ness and all is in you. You are the oneness and one is you.
By changing our identities from ego to authentic we will create systems, in which a human factor will not be detrimental to their purpose. &Looking for a job: Look for a mission, not a position. &Waves of change come and go, as waves do, and a great majority of people live on the land without a view of the ocean. &Not letting ego to stop you from connecting to authentic is an art of living. & Necessity is not a part of creation. &
Social ego models are not for the young authentic minds. Lay off Ritalin, stop the abuse of children, and work on self-forgiveness. Time to Get It! &When you take a responsibility, where you really have none, you will feel burdened. Responsibilities that are truly yours are never a burden. &
Inventions or discoveries, are results of a willingness to accept a possibility that what we know is limited, or not true at all. &By changing our identities from ego to authentic we will create the systems where a human factor will not be detrimental to their purpose. &Do not limit yourself by the logic of the ego. It will bring examples from the past to prove its point - what you want is impossible.
& To think that you can make Artificial Intelligence AI like Authentic identity Ai – conscious, is mixing shit with honey. It might look like honey...
Vistas Del Pacifico, Playa Panama, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
&Using a flotation device instead of learning to swim, is a huge contributor in collective anxiety of our times.
Trout Lake, North Bay, Otario Canada
You will lead a life of shortage if you think that riches are outside of you.
Happiness is a lasting inner knowing, it's not the same as pleasure. Teachings of pleasure seeking, and calling it happiness - is a trap! &
No life is pointless, if you don't look for it, what's the point of living?
A loss of truth is gradual, it happens when insults pretend to be complements, like "average Joe" and "ordinary people".
My harvest prayer: Thank you God for dirt and all the beings who know what to do with it.
No matter how accomplished and admired you are in the word, you might be ordinary and a bore to your children.
There are no victims. We all volunteered to be here in this realm of light and darkness. If you say "I didn't ask for it", you don't know yourself.
To those who wish to sleep we could only offer the gifts designed for the sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested.
At some point of your learning, the choices you make will look all the same: good, good, good...
Awareness of your inner world is essential to feeling free in the world of traps and limitations.
When you figure out the game designed to reduce you to a pawn, then you really be able to play it and win.
Even the darkest of the dark has the light, because there is only light, in various degree of presence. &If all the information would only be passed locally by physical observable means, human kind would not have many universal characteristics. &Self-help business became similar to pharmaceuticals. Billions are spent on books and seminars and the results are still negative. &To learn to be authentic takes the understanding how the voice of timeless you sounds, and be tuned to hearing its message. &The teaching to become authentic is not a method, not a technique, no more than your life is a technique. &Your family of origin might not be representative of anything else, but mediocre in society to free you from possible false identity. & Parenting is one way street. & Your children came to life with a plan. As a parent, you are to provide for them ALL what's needed to fulfill their plan, not yours. &Main message of social conditioning is that your individual life has no meaning. You are here only to be used as a part of social machinery. &There are no schools of professional re-connectors with the timeless self. Training is in a sector of dissectors. &Why the “not knowing what to do with your life at age 20, or even 30” is not a big social issue? &In human sciences dissecting life into minute details left people falling into pieces and hardly holding together. &A great deal of pity is sold under the disguise of helping people &So very few are free thinkers because a motion to go after the truth is stopped by an ego, wanting to be right in midst of common perspective. &Words are not just semantics. They are energies created by the mind that holds the concept long enough to utter the words. &An instruction how to become a better human will not make you a better human. Same as how to connect with God is not a connection with God. &A manipulation replaced Creation. Shuffling old data in a new way is not creative. Writing an essay about creation of others is not Ph.D. &Stillness, silence stops the ego, but that’s how you want to spend your life? Stay silent and sit still? Some do. Is that a great virtue? &Asking does an ego exist is very much like wondering if echo exists. When no one makes noise it doesn’t. & We are individuals because THE ONE MIND, that we are, only “in division” can have freedom to choose experiences and create own conclusions.
If you cannot give a life as a reward, you cannot take it away as a punishment.
1990 Warsaw, Poland
&A paradise is not the place to be if you want to accomplish something. No one works in Paradise. & If ego tells you “runaway”, you move forward, you will find courage. That where authentic begins.
I am full of lofty ideas, but I am sure I started from the basement in the first incarnation. In this one, I was certain I am not supposed to be there, so and worked all the way up to the loft.
Ego is not a little force. It is equal to authentic in you.