Monday, August 10th, 2020 After a long trip from Costa Rica (with 4 layovers, two needed a hotel stay) I arrived 4 weeks ago to Warsaw Poland with the light heart and tired body. My daughter and son-in-law accommodated me in their unoccupied apartment in the heart of Warsaw, with the same address as City President's office, on the picture below; lots of confusion when I am giving my address to Gov. clerks: ", it cannot be there, it’s a government building!". Well, it's not the same building, but the same address, you cannot debate facts, but people do. Not living in Poland for 28 years, and take away 5 years, when I came here to study, it is really 40 years; this country is as foreign to me as Singapore, take away the language. The additional difficulty is that I speak and look local. People in the offices, where I need to visit to take care of my transition business, throw at me acronyms, abbreviations and jargon, that I am sure are familiar to every Polish speaking person, living here and to me is “huh?”. Polish culture carries unusual awareness, which has huge horizontal limits, and appears to have no limits in depth. Which means perception of the world is limited to own position, but that position can be deeply rooted, established, and well chewed on.Needless to say it is a huge adjustment and lots of learning for me, and that’s good!To keep your mind sharp, when aging, one should change their location every five years. After you figure out how to live in one place, you will start running your life on programs, rarely using own intelligence to learn to live better, differently, new way. You need to look for the light switches, instead of tapping on the wall expecting to find one where it was in the last house.
Bank Square, Warsaw. 2020 Summer project space for recreation and entertainment instead of car parking.
The most effective way to help someone who is struggling with darkness is by clarity and strength. Where does it come from? Only from Authentic you. Hence all the therapies that are solely based on prepacked program, with a design scenario, session by session, are completely ineffective in the long run. You cannot transfer strength to change through the ego. You can bring illumination by information without light energy that comes from love emitted by authentic you. The way to accomplish a sure transfer of the strength to change, and energy of wisdom how to do it, you must connect your Ai (Authentic identity, timeless self) to the student/client’ one. And session by session you keep highlighting the presence of Ai and dismissing the voice of ego to the point, when the difference between the Ai and the Ego - conditioned, programmed, controlled by the outside world “I” so obvious to me, becomes obvious to the client. This gives a client ability to create change and differentiate the. As a therapist you cannot be responsible for what your client will do with your offerings, but you must be 100% responsible for you are offering. You cannot hide behind a method, a plan, a program. The benefit of the Ai – ego differentiation is incomparable to benefits of any other methods of therapy. Only your presence with lights on can help another person to see own strength, own light, own love.
One’s attention of this dual identity (one true, one false) inevitably brings clarity; what creates drama and pain, and who creates ease and joy. There is no final point of this effort if you live amongst humans, but you can reduce your ego’s claims to be a master,and give him/her tasks of a proper servant, and a quiet one.
Working name of my method is “YAGA” - "You And the Gatekeepers to Authentic"
“YAGA” - in Jamaican surfers' slang it’s a greeting, sort of "what's up!".In Slavic old tales, it's a name of a witch "Baba Yaga". Although depicted as a wicket witch, I am sure only out fear of her wisdom, people made up nasty stories about her. Both not too suitable for me, I am not a surfer and nobody makes bad stories about me (although who knows?) . A connection between two Authentic identities always strengthens the presence of Ai, and makes for me the process of guiding people out of the conditioned “I” set by the collective ego as the identity traps, possible and effective. Without that connection, any psychotherapy is like moving deck chairs on a Titanic. Inevitably the ship sinks even with nicely arranged egoic life.
"You And the Gatekeepers to Authentic" YAGAThe learning what makes the difference to people seeking lasting change was initially a process of elimination of what does not work.For many years as a clinical psychologist and therapist I applied and modified known methods, like Gestalt, humanistic, bioenergy, transactional analysis, to name a few, but I shifted to self-developed spiritual psychotherapy and lastly to “You And the Gatekeepers to Authentic (YAGA)”. There was no discovery or a sudden shift in developing the method of helping minds to become healthy, clear, energetic, it was just a progressive clearing clients from the clutter of information and emotions that prevented them to live healthy life.
My job is to inspire to seek.We all know that we live in the world of dualities. We have the world that dies and the world that doesn’t. The well spread saying: “nothing is forever” is true only in the material world; beyond that is not true anymore! The word forever itself came from the understanding that there are some things forever. Like timeless, authentic, forever you.My work is to show how to recognize the authentic you, and keep it as the operator and the most obvious presence in your daily life. The things that are not forever are obvious; your body - brain included. Both are operated by set of programs, that enable you to function as a member of society which needs to survive and expand. The programs that run your body and brain are called ego. They are uploaded and constantly updated by direct interaction with the messages carried by others, and indirectly by being permanently connected with a non-local storage of information called morphic field, created collectively, globally and locally by humanity to increase probability and quality of survival.Why is non-local? Because it doesn’t take space and we can access it wherever we are with no travelling time. It comes to us only intuitively when we have an attentive, open and clear mind. I can do it at the time of heightened attention for the convenience of telepathic connection.
What I like the most in my work is that, when needed, I can access this non-local information field for the most credible interaction with people, who come for help. With the unsorted thoughts and confused minds people struggle with darkness often for years and nothing is more rewarding than guiding them to clarity.My method is based on the ability (that took me years to develop) to see and understand the field packed with personal information pertinent to their unique process of walking towards the inner light. What gives me the access to the information provided in someone’s morphic field is not the will to know, but the intention to help without an interference of my educated knowledge what would be the best for them. It’s all written in the field and the honest intentions provide the access.The increasing amount of data and the complexity of information created a monstrous ego systems to which a human born today receives from the first formed neuron a downloaded access, with endless upgrades throughout their life. Some parts of the ego are downloaded and stay in memory of experiences, skills, data, established beliefs and values, information about events, places, people, things. The rest is just "there" stored non-locally ready for the downloads.
Evolution of social structures in the last two centuries due to an expanding population, expanding innovations, expanding production and services, resulted in a staggering amount of programs created to operate growing complexity of technologized daily life.Human collective ego also stores data through media and internet offered locally with unprecedented ease of access, in overwhelming amounts. With an increasing population the mass of produced goods, work places that are producing, selling, servicing became a maze of information that requires a modern human to be familiar with, to some degree if needs to be part of any society. A knowledge of rules set by governmental institutions, social organizations, sports and entertainment industry, carries staggering amount of information that one has to be familiar with, especially in urban setting. Complexity of all produced information and sheer amount of it, without a discipline can take and waste life of an unaware human.
My work is to guide the operator of the body/brain system, to become in charge of own data line-up. When the programs run person’s life, the life becomes random and illogical.When you are in charge of your programs, thoughts, emotions, attention, actions, the life within you becomes as you want it.My wish to all of you, is that you become competent operators of your egos, and be the most obvious presence in your daily life.
At home on Coreen, North Bay, Ontario 2012
In Gdańsk, Poland 2005
In my backyard in North Bay 2014
Piaseczno, 1992
In my backyard in North Bay 2014
In my backyard in North Bay 2016

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Pow-pow iguana baby in harmony with 4 cats and a dog, none mine
Christmas in Berlin 2018