Physical Body
March 14, 2014 Ai I am particularly interested in the concepts of our identity, mobility and capabilities as a timeless self.I named our timeless self "Authentic Identity" in my book, not by accident with the same acronym as Artificial Intelligence, because both are described as something that they are not. Identity has no identity and Intelligence has no intelligence.However...Today’s post will be about not knowing the right words because there is no language for it yet.Morphic Field coined by the creative scientist Rupert Sheldrake, is a term used to point where telepathic communication takes place and it obviously indicates an area.A field in a lay language, the same in the scientific language, describes a measurable, let’s say, surface on a planet. I have no knowledge of Rupert’s experiences, but what I understand from my experience of being in that “field” that it has no dimensions. No acreage of any sort, where you can wonder about. I had a sense of my position in the a particular spot, but only defined by my own choice to land “there”, for the obvious reason – a need of proof. I needed a view that was impossible from my physical eyes to see. If you land 30 feet above the place where you are physically sitting and take time to look around, remembering everything, then you go back to your body, go physically and check what you saw, confirming that it was all true, you’ve got yourself a solid proof. So I know for certain - the field is no field at all.Our identity has no labels, or appearances. Our mobility is boundless, it means is instantaneous by own intention. Our capabilities are self-defined.
February 28, 2014 You can not stop the wave of change... but the waves come and go, as waves do, and a great majority of people don't even have an ocean view.What needs to change is the teachings that proportionally represent an importance of the outer world 30% and the inner world 70% of each and every person. The outer world, the physical, including your body is represented by emotions. The inner world, your creativity and discoveries, decisions and conclusions from experiences is represented by feelings. Do you know the difference?Did anyone thought you in school, from elementary to PhD, how to differentiate between your conditioning, programing of the machine, your body expressed by emotions, and you, the operator and a creator expressed by feelings?The purpose of operating the machine, the body, navigating through the intersections of the choices comes to us a feelings. Feelings are present in an every cell of our physical body, that's why they are gentle (not to fry the body), moving, yet not forceful.Emotions run through the nervous system, they can be bullish and compelling. Hence the focus on the obvious.Nothing will change the big picture of the world unless every human knows the difference between the timeless, authentic self and the conditioning, the ego. Only then the choses can not be blamed on ignorance.Forgiving them because they do not know what they are doing is wearing thin in my heart!Learn. Yes, but who is teaching?The education systems are created from the ego for the ego. They focus 99% on the world without the authentic mind.For now let's go out of the systems, like this website.By changing our identities from ego to authentic we will create the systems where a human factor will not be detrimental to its purpose.
February 27, 2014 When ego argues against your vision of the future life, it uses words like impossible, unrealistic, absurd, unattainable.To stop you from creating life that you want, ego puts in front of you a picture of your physical reality as something much greater than you.To take your power away, ego convinced you that you have no power over the world out there, including your physical body as something greater than you, and only somebody “more important than you” can heal it. I tell you: you have power over everything, first of all you have power over those lies! Secondly you have power to heal and create life as you come up with. Any doubt is a virus that needs to be deleted, as soon as it comes, because it does come.No one on earth wants life that is based on what’s out there. Out there is all shits, no giggles.Create the future to your liking. Think what you want. Skip material wants. Think about being and doing, not having. Use no one as a crutch or necessity. Necessity is not part of creation. Remove the hissing of the ego with its pseudo-logic of limitations. Creation has no limitations. Including limited time. Outer reality is yours to play with, don’t let it play you. February 22, 2014 Life is a school (and all things show it. I thought so once and now I know it).I am sure we are here, experiencing a life to learn. Schooling, learning facts, data, know how, is here to teach us about our physical world but it is just a basic necessity, a beginning. By adding the items to the list of your life events, you are not creating an individual, own story. You are in the story of everybody else.An act of creation involves an understanding of your positioning towards the events and the reasons behind the choices you make.Be involved in creating your life. When growing and not knowing life becomes, like your pants - too short. February 19, 2014 Beauty, Goodness and Truth are the highest forms or ideas. They represent expressions of The Authentic through a physical being, doing and knowing. Beauty is a manifestation of the Authentic as a physical being and there no positionality towards it. Just being-ness exactly as intended to be.Goodness is a manifestation of the Authentic as doing.Truth is a manifestation of the Authentic as knowing. Beauty, Goodness and Truth in the mind of Ego looks very different. Ego judges, objectifies and rejects or desires the physical beings.Ego’s goodness, doing good is an exchange of goods and deeds and is always looking for payoffs.Ego’s knowing is limited to a world of if it’s own agenda and its truth is limited to what’s best for self. Keep reflecting on your ideas about life and self and step out of all positions that are dictated by the ego. I know, it's a huge effort at first, the same effort as quitting an addiction... but one step at the time and it will come easier and easier. February 8, 2014 Do you think there is any relationship between the ego and gravity? People's understanding of ego as self came from Freudian theories that describes self-identity without distinctions between timeless self, authentic self and downloads of concepts of self, the ego.Downloaded is an idea of being.Authentic is pure being, no concepts necessary.So, gravity and ego, both represent the realm of actuality not potentiality. Both exist in specific conditions. Both can be eliminated. Ego is the read of all laws of the physical existence of human beings (perhaps all physical beings...) if there is no presence of awareness of timeless Self. When you are capable to stay in the Authentic state of mind, you feel light, weightless and when you shift to the ego state of mind your body becomes really heavy.Gravity is an agreement to see physical reality from a perspective of a subject to that reality. Agreeing to live in a country where the law sucks, but you want to live there so you accept the sucky law.What counteracts gravity is of course moving out of the gravity reality in your Ai state of perception. Ego is a dream to go with a physical illusion for the sake of the experience and the sake of the contribution in collective awakening. Collective is the key. The humanity can not yet shift to a state of Ai an mass, therefore we, the seekers and the teachers have to take it slow. To work on own awakening and leave humanity in the dust comes only from ego that wants to feel "special, better than others" and cash on glory from it, literally, expecting to be paid $20,00.00 for an hour of a conference appearance, as I was informed by one "guru". We are here for others equally than for self, and others are asleep. Don't startle them with a rapid movement, because they will kill you.
January 24, 2014
Asking the right questions I know for years, most likely as many other people, that we have an access to all knowledge that ever was, is, and will be, just by asking the right questions, the answers are provided. The knowledge comes in form of thoughts or experiences and is always self-explanatory. Not only needs to be shared on the web, but it needs to appear in the main stream teachings about our Universe.I wrote an article on my website in Spring 2012 (see below) about our DNAs as re-writable CDs.I know that to look at them physically in order to gather an understanding about the difference between species is the same mistake as looking for the memory in the formation of a brain. Memory will never show any significant difference between the physical brains, the same as the downloaded programs will never show any significant difference between one hard drive and another. The physical DNAs are re-writable CDs. The difference is in the music.CDs look the same until you play it. The lack of a physical difference doesn't mean that we are the same species or so greatly related! We have to learn how to play CDs of DNA.
April 18, 2014 Gender and the sense of self. How often do we think about self in terms of our gender? Do we think about our gender as a limitation: “if I would be the other gender I could...” When we chose our cloths do we create an image of our gender and follow a social code or we dress a human? (Although unisex cloths are really man’s cloths without the buttons.)There is no concept of androgyny in the world of our timeless self. Being mentally between woman and man, or entirely genderless is non issue in the mind of Authentic, since we have no body, a human or any other to stick gender to.When we leave the body with its gender and ego programs, we are a mind without any properties. Our characteristics are only recognized by choices of our mind’s attention. Unless we have an access to energy and chose to appear in a physical form for the purpose of experiencing life and interaction with others, as an awareness we have no material for a form.Although our choice of gender is our opportunity to experience life from that gender’s perspective, our fulfillment correlates positively with our identity as the timeless self.More we identify with the egoic self, where the gender resides, less fulfilled and well rounded we will become in life. You life perspective will be limited, your experiences restricted and your power reduced. And that’s true for both genders. April 11, 2014 We don’t have any needs. Put yourself first!.You have to love yourself before you love someone else!Learn Maslow‘s “Hierarchy of needs” and if you want to be happy go after fulfilling them all! Lies, lies, lies. We were taught so many lies. When you live from the mind of the authentic, you don’t have any needs.Everything is provided before the ego will develop a NEED. Even now, time to time, I have to stop and think, if a thought I am holding to is not yet an another lie of my teachers. Psychology was built (and still is) on the struggles of egos. To the authentic those struggles are lies but nobody knew it then, nor opposed it in the main stream academia.That was 40 years ago in my experience.Guess what is taught today in psychology classes, in medical schools, in the humanistic classes? Same shit!The worse part is that the many of teachers know that are teaching lies, but still hold on to the paradigm, because they will lose a position in their college, a tenure, a license, a funding. They live by the ego, and die early and sick because of the ego.One example of a wide spread, but preposterous lie was classifying human sexual acts as a fulfillment of needs.Reduced to a body function or an animals drive to procreate, each present in the body as a program, it even landed on a list of basic needs.And none of it is true in the authentic being.How desperate, unloved and unloving Maslow had to be!Did you ever saw anyone dying out of a sexual hunger? No, but it sells a lot of pornography and supports prostitution.A human ability to physically, sexually express the love in an intimate relationship is the most complete expression of our being.Those who cannot understand it, they will never see what can happen to a body when the mind of Ai is in a complete state of love.There is zero needs in it. April 5, 2014 Don’t call yourself an ego. If you connected dots in my postings you know that a presence of the ego requires a physical body, and any manifestation of it’s presence is taxing on the body.You also know, that the presence of Authentic you does not requires a physical body, although it can be present in the body, but it doesn’t age, ware and damage the body, quite an opposite. Without the ego, length of our lives would be up to us. With the ego we have, what everybody else is having, a death sentence that we can do nothing about it.Keeping a body alive and claiming it as a success of medicine is a sorry excuse for the ego reducing and dis-powering people. Sometimes I feel that the change is around the corner and sometimes I don’t see it in a thousand years.For an every Authentic being out there – and that’s pretty much everybody, from today on, think about yourself as a Timeless being, Aware presence, Authentic identity. However you will call it, it’s fine, just don’t call yourself an ego.
February 28, 2014 You can not stop the wave of change... but the waves come and go, as waves do, and a great majority of people don't even have an ocean view.What needs to change is the teachings that proportionally represent an importance of the outer world 30% and the inner world 70% of each and every person. The outer world, the physical, including your body is represented by emotions. The inner world, your creativity and discoveries, decisions and conclusions from experiences is represented by feelings. Do you know the difference?Did anyone thought you in school, from elementary to PhD, how to differentiate between your conditioning, programing of the machine, your body expressed by emotions, and you, the operator and a creator expressed by feelings?The purpose of operating the machine, the body, navigating through the intersections of the choices comes to us a feelings. Feelings are present in an every cell of our physical body, that's why they are gentle (not to fry the body), moving, yet not forceful.Emotions run through the nervous system, they can be bullish and compelling. Hence the focus on the obvious.Nothing will change the big picture of the world unless every human knows the difference between the timeless, authentic self and the conditioning, the ego. Only then the choses can not be blamed on ignorance.Forgiving them because they do not know what they are doing is wearing thin in my heart!Learn. Yes, but who is teaching?The education systems are created from the ego for the ego. They focus 99% on the world without the authentic mind.For now let's go out of the systems, like this website.By changing our identities from ego to authentic we will create the systems where a human factor will not be detrimental to its purpose.
February 27, 2014 When ego argues against your vision of the future life, it uses words like impossible, unrealistic, absurd, unattainable.To stop you from creating life that you want, ego puts in front of you a picture of your physical reality as something much greater than you.To take your power away, ego convinced you that you have no power over the world out there, including your physical body as something greater than you, and only somebody “more important than you” can heal it. I tell you: you have power over everything, first of all you have power over those lies! Secondly you have power to heal and create life as you come up with. Any doubt is a virus that needs to be deleted, as soon as it comes, because it does come.No one on earth wants life that is based on what’s out there. Out there is all shits, no giggles.Create the future to your liking. Think what you want. Skip material wants. Think about being and doing, not having. Use no one as a crutch or necessity. Necessity is not part of creation. Remove the hissing of the ego with its pseudo-logic of limitations. Creation has no limitations. Including limited time. Outer reality is yours to play with, don’t let it play you. February 22, 2014 Life is a school (and all things show it. I thought so once and now I know it).I am sure we are here, experiencing a life to learn. Schooling, learning facts, data, know how, is here to teach us about our physical world but it is just a basic necessity, a beginning. By adding the items to the list of your life events, you are not creating an individual, own story. You are in the story of everybody else.An act of creation involves an understanding of your positioning towards the events and the reasons behind the choices you make.Be involved in creating your life. When growing and not knowing life becomes, like your pants - too short. February 19, 2014 Beauty, Goodness and Truth are the highest forms or ideas. They represent expressions of The Authentic through a physical being, doing and knowing. Beauty is a manifestation of the Authentic as a physical being and there no positionality towards it. Just being-ness exactly as intended to be.Goodness is a manifestation of the Authentic as doing.Truth is a manifestation of the Authentic as knowing. Beauty, Goodness and Truth in the mind of Ego looks very different. Ego judges, objectifies and rejects or desires the physical beings.Ego’s goodness, doing good is an exchange of goods and deeds and is always looking for payoffs.Ego’s knowing is limited to a world of if it’s own agenda and its truth is limited to what’s best for self. Keep reflecting on your ideas about life and self and step out of all positions that are dictated by the ego. I know, it's a huge effort at first, the same effort as quitting an addiction... but one step at the time and it will come easier and easier. February 8, 2014 Do you think there is any relationship between the ego and gravity? People's understanding of ego as self came from Freudian theories that describes self-identity without distinctions between timeless self, authentic self and downloads of concepts of self, the ego.Downloaded is an idea of being.Authentic is pure being, no concepts necessary.So, gravity and ego, both represent the realm of actuality not potentiality. Both exist in specific conditions. Both can be eliminated. Ego is the read of all laws of the physical existence of human beings (perhaps all physical beings...) if there is no presence of awareness of timeless Self. When you are capable to stay in the Authentic state of mind, you feel light, weightless and when you shift to the ego state of mind your body becomes really heavy.Gravity is an agreement to see physical reality from a perspective of a subject to that reality. Agreeing to live in a country where the law sucks, but you want to live there so you accept the sucky law.What counteracts gravity is of course moving out of the gravity reality in your Ai state of perception. Ego is a dream to go with a physical illusion for the sake of the experience and the sake of the contribution in collective awakening. Collective is the key. The humanity can not yet shift to a state of Ai an mass, therefore we, the seekers and the teachers have to take it slow. To work on own awakening and leave humanity in the dust comes only from ego that wants to feel "special, better than others" and cash on glory from it, literally, expecting to be paid $20,00.00 for an hour of a conference appearance, as I was informed by one "guru". We are here for others equally than for self, and others are asleep. Don't startle them with a rapid movement, because they will kill you.
January 24, 2014
Asking the right questions I know for years, most likely as many other people, that we have an access to all knowledge that ever was, is, and will be, just by asking the right questions, the answers are provided. The knowledge comes in form of thoughts or experiences and is always self-explanatory. Not only needs to be shared on the web, but it needs to appear in the main stream teachings about our Universe.I wrote an article on my website in Spring 2012 (see below) about our DNAs as re-writable CDs.I know that to look at them physically in order to gather an understanding about the difference between species is the same mistake as looking for the memory in the formation of a brain. Memory will never show any significant difference between the physical brains, the same as the downloaded programs will never show any significant difference between one hard drive and another. The physical DNAs are re-writable CDs. The difference is in the music.CDs look the same until you play it. The lack of a physical difference doesn't mean that we are the same species or so greatly related! We have to learn how to play CDs of DNA.
April 18, 2014 Gender and the sense of self. How often do we think about self in terms of our gender? Do we think about our gender as a limitation: “if I would be the other gender I could...” When we chose our cloths do we create an image of our gender and follow a social code or we dress a human? (Although unisex cloths are really man’s cloths without the buttons.)There is no concept of androgyny in the world of our timeless self. Being mentally between woman and man, or entirely genderless is non issue in the mind of Authentic, since we have no body, a human or any other to stick gender to.When we leave the body with its gender and ego programs, we are a mind without any properties. Our characteristics are only recognized by choices of our mind’s attention. Unless we have an access to energy and chose to appear in a physical form for the purpose of experiencing life and interaction with others, as an awareness we have no material for a form.Although our choice of gender is our opportunity to experience life from that gender’s perspective, our fulfillment correlates positively with our identity as the timeless self.More we identify with the egoic self, where the gender resides, less fulfilled and well rounded we will become in life. You life perspective will be limited, your experiences restricted and your power reduced. And that’s true for both genders. April 11, 2014 We don’t have any needs. Put yourself first!.You have to love yourself before you love someone else!Learn Maslow‘s “Hierarchy of needs” and if you want to be happy go after fulfilling them all! Lies, lies, lies. We were taught so many lies. When you live from the mind of the authentic, you don’t have any needs.Everything is provided before the ego will develop a NEED. Even now, time to time, I have to stop and think, if a thought I am holding to is not yet an another lie of my teachers. Psychology was built (and still is) on the struggles of egos. To the authentic those struggles are lies but nobody knew it then, nor opposed it in the main stream academia.That was 40 years ago in my experience.Guess what is taught today in psychology classes, in medical schools, in the humanistic classes? Same shit!The worse part is that the many of teachers know that are teaching lies, but still hold on to the paradigm, because they will lose a position in their college, a tenure, a license, a funding. They live by the ego, and die early and sick because of the ego.One example of a wide spread, but preposterous lie was classifying human sexual acts as a fulfillment of needs.Reduced to a body function or an animals drive to procreate, each present in the body as a program, it even landed on a list of basic needs.And none of it is true in the authentic being.How desperate, unloved and unloving Maslow had to be!Did you ever saw anyone dying out of a sexual hunger? No, but it sells a lot of pornography and supports prostitution.A human ability to physically, sexually express the love in an intimate relationship is the most complete expression of our being.Those who cannot understand it, they will never see what can happen to a body when the mind of Ai is in a complete state of love.There is zero needs in it. April 5, 2014 Don’t call yourself an ego. If you connected dots in my postings you know that a presence of the ego requires a physical body, and any manifestation of it’s presence is taxing on the body.You also know, that the presence of Authentic you does not requires a physical body, although it can be present in the body, but it doesn’t age, ware and damage the body, quite an opposite. Without the ego, length of our lives would be up to us. With the ego we have, what everybody else is having, a death sentence that we can do nothing about it.Keeping a body alive and claiming it as a success of medicine is a sorry excuse for the ego reducing and dis-powering people. Sometimes I feel that the change is around the corner and sometimes I don’t see it in a thousand years.For an every Authentic being out there – and that’s pretty much everybody, from today on, think about yourself as a Timeless being, Aware presence, Authentic identity. However you will call it, it’s fine, just don’t call yourself an ego.